scottish highland wedding. tartan wedding, Highland Wedding Traditions,Scottish Highland Scot theme is presented
Scottish Wedding Customs OMG!
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Before you walk down the isle you'll want some prelude music (while guests are being seated- maybe 30 minutes) -listen to the music below in no particular order - you choose. What is the timeline to arrange your marriage?
First of all, only
family members can wear the clan plaid and the hats worn by your clan need to
be researched as well. You will want to look for the formal or dress
attire, including the Sporran that is attached to a belt and buckle which is a
metal plate of your family crest, if you want the oldest male clan member
to be in full Scottish dress. The groom nor his groomsmen are required to
be in Scottish full dress assuming not all are Scottish, right?
>Who has the Scot blood? If the groom is the only Scot or vice-versa, then all will be centered around that person's dress
plaid and Scottish clan customs on dress as well as bachelor parties - feathers
and oil in Scotland? If both the bride and groom are Scottish, then you
will follow the grooms heritage.
During the music after you say your vows/handfasting, normally the person who is NOT a Scot or of another clan will be invited to the clan of the bride
or groom. In Scotland, whoever is the Scot will be wearing a tartan sash
over the clothing and the oldest clan member will put the sash over the
Non-Scot. It's a ceremony of sorts and has been changed for those in the
USA. Tartan plaid could be on bow ties or the cummerbund and the bride could be given a wrist corsage. The clan
member will do the inviting ceremony with background music like this
Keep in mind that if both are Scottish each will be invited to the other clan and will end up wearing something of the other clan! The person doing the inviting - the oldest clan member or even an older brother or mother - is probably the only one dressed in
full Scottish attire. (Sometimes, many members of the clan have the full dress and will display it with honor) The elder of the clan will say . . .
"_________, take this
(corsage/cumberbun) and place it on the (bride or groom). With this ceremony and with this clan symbol the
(bride/groom) is not only invited to be part of the _____clan , but it is also a
symbol of love. If there is
righteousness in the heart there will be beauty in the character,
If there is beauty in the character there will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the ______ clan. If there is order in the _____ clan, there
will be peace in the world.
So let it be." (Now the Scot will place the corsage, cumberbun, tie on the non-Scot bride/groom.) Plus, as you do your thing you may say something nice to each other - LIKE THIS!
The elder female (representing the clan - doing the inviting) could wear a leggings outfit (g-gma will say thanks) that looks like this - matching the family plaid color.
Maybe when you're together have your seamstress give a reputable North American company a call
to order the silk plaid - polyester,cotton for a kilt or the train on the dress !
You may choose to go with the dominate color in your family plaid, for example purple, pink, peach, orange or blue. Bridesmaid - no plaid required assuming all are not Scottish, right? Your maids could wear clan plaid hair ornaments, if you insist.
The train is usually the plaid and no veil is normally worn - in Scotland. In the USA I've seen the tartan plaid ribbon intertwined in a fascinator w/veil. The bride would wear groom plaid ( if she is not Scottish or if she is Scottish - she'd only wear her plaid if she was the only one Scottish - all plaids worn should be only one plaid - maybe her father/mother could wear full Scottish dress, if applicable). Another Scottish tradition is for the bride to carry Scottish thistle and white heather in her bouquet - and you could wrap the stems in family plaid bows/ribbons. Have the wedding near stone or water for good luck!
The church could be decorated with clan plaid bows and have you heard a great procession song? (Walk down the isle with this music as background!)
Would you like the best music to walk down the isle? Later, during the HANDFASTING CEREMONEY light sax music is played in the background) , while the couple will do ** the handfasting ceremony here on video. I like it best when the ties tie both the bride and groom together and both respond together to the questions. You will probably have to look for a Scottish preacher who can incorporate all even - use some Gaelic as he cuts the ties.
After the kiss, what about the recession - your exit ? During this period of music you could have your flower girl or maid of honor give you a horseshoe to wear on your arm for good luck!
You could have all the music pre-recorded and played at just the right moment!
Before you get to the reception, hire a Scottish dance instructor to teach various dances like this! Entertainment for all! For the people not dancing, I"ve seen an older male cousin (not in wedding party obviously) assuming the role of storyteller in full Scottish dress. This young man could start with the most haunted castle in Scotland - Glamis. Think vampire, witch and several ghosts to talk about moving from table to table with another tale like the ghosts of Stirling Castle.
Once you arrive at the reception (You and the wedding party might want to be piped in or maybe this one!) The bride/groom couple dance could be like this? I've seen several wedding party dances (remember Scottish dress is not required - don't force the issue, not everyone will be Scottish, right?) that entertain and are so much fun, but you and your party have to practice! Or you could do this one ! Also, you could have each table named after a Scottish Castle and each place card could present something different about the castle or clan that can be passed around the table, read and discussed. Table castle centerpieces could be homemade by your relatives!
Here's a playlist for you to think about! This could be played after the handfasting sax music! When in the ceremony you do the handfasting is up to you and your preacher.
gaelic wedding. tartan wedding, Highland Wedding Traditions, Scotch wedding, Scottish Highland Wedding, wedding Scot theme has been presented
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